All posts by prophet Gee

Survivor, author, mother, minister, mentor, prophet who shares the journey from pain to purpose. Blessed to journal back from despair to transition from victim to victor to tell of the importance of, guarding the thoughts, to enjoy a blessed life. There is life after death and trauma. A new life for the asking for those who dare to believe. Come journey with me.

New Day Dawning

Ready for the new year? Have you accomplished all you intended this year? Take some time to reflect, adjust and approach this holiday season with focus and purpose to make the best decisions not just for the holiday but for the days ahead. Things are not as they were before in America or the world and we need to make key and crucial adjustments to survive the days ahead.

Journal Jouney

I have entered a new season  in my life and I want my readers to determine where you are  in reference to where you want to be. So much change, so many variables, so much to paralyze us with fear or discouragement.  As long as we  breath we have the opportunity to change things for good with the love of God and each other. Waste no time in frets and regrets, forgive all,  ask for forgiveness for yourself.   Live life rapture ready which means get right with God. This is not a chance to debate but an opportunity to get ready if you are not.  But you are welcome to submit your arguments if you like. Please visit why Jesus and transformed life pages first, to see if any of your questions remain.

Lies Chat

So much is going on in our world today and we are experiencing some real bad fall out from some choices we have made.  In the book, “Lies That Steal Life” there are many examples of how lies bind us to not only untruth but to spiritual consequences of embracing lies.    Most will never believe that the rejection of God in the public has anything to do with the changes in our society.  in , “Lies That Steal Life,” are many analogies of how our uniformed choices have consequences.   The pledge outlawed in school now guns and gangs rule.  The mention of God an offense in public we have not noticed that as we reject God we get chaos and the favor and protection we lived with since our inception is being systematically striped from us.  We must return to God to stop this downward spiral.  He is our only hope.  Join me in prayer to rebuild the hedge for this great nation.

Journal Journey

This site is an invitation to share on topics that have eternal value and help us identify threats and assets to healthy quality of life now as we prepare for eternity.  Hope you are ready for what comes next because things have begun to accelerate and it will only continue.   If you have not given these topics much thought now is the time.  Later is not promised and there are some things you must do now to get ready for later.  Go to the why Jesus page see what the bible has to say.

New Day Dawning

How amazing is every opportunity to share the wonder that is life in Christ Jesus. This is the day the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad. Grateful for forgiveness, hope, strength, health, mercy, grace, provision and so much more. Thank You Father for every new day and opportunity to get things done Your way. Can I get a Amen.

Lies Chat

Surprised at no comments on the subject of secrets. When I was younger I thought I had good secrets. Things mama did not know that I was hoping she would never  find out. Those things like sneak outs when she was asleep were empowering to a child but also a source of anxiety and other dangers I could have run into out there. There were also the already bad secrets that I wanted her to know but was afraid to tell. Secrets really do protect villians rather than victims

Journal Journey

Still combatting the spam game.  Hope for a breakthrough soon.  I dislike negative emotions and spam is trying to make me quit.  I will not but I sure do pray you will.  There are more important things in my life and others than your sales agenda.  FREE, free, free eternal life through Christ Jesus.  Make heaven your home today see why Jesus page for how,  see transformed life page for a personal testimony.


Champion Chats

The Heart of a champion is fixed, focused, dedicated, unmotivated by the odds or the appearances of things.  We must learn to talk back to the voices that try to tell us we will not or cannot win.  Never agree with those who limit you to what they think they know about you, not even you.  Major in a positive attitude from a healthy source.  When we are our only source it is hard to overcome limits.  There are NO limits in God.

Journey Journal

I am new to the web blog and public sharing arena.  I came almost reluctantly , not sure of what to expect.  I want my life to count and I know the information I share is life transforming and has eternal value.  This is a shout out to those who are only interested in what any and everyone can do for them.   Times are hard but no amount of rude, intrusive, selfish, or desperate behavior will help as much as taking advantage of what I am sharing.  The books are inexpensive and life changing to prepare you for what happens next.  The gospel is priceless good news  with eternal value, free for the asking,  for all who will believe.  Please stop blowing up my site with  sales pitches and product reviews.  What I offer is what will count in every life for the days ahead it is an important work .  Be blessed for the choice to receive rather than take.   It takes my time, disregards my choice and agenda, at my expense.  I want to spend my money and time to offer good news and wise counsel to my readers.  Thanks for your cooperation with the vision.  You will be blessed and increased for the choice to agree far more than you  can imagine.  I challenge you to stop and see if your sales increase  give me a shout about the results of your accepting the challenge.   The Prophet