Thanksgiving. Sometimes we get so caught up in what is not going as we would like that we miss how much we actually have to be thankful for. The ability to see the sunset, take a walk, lock your door at night because you have a roof over your head. Kiss a child good night, say hello on a phone call, drive your vehicle to work. These are things many are not currently enjoying. It is common to miss the best things in life caught up with those little things that come to steal joy, disrupt peace, and destroy an outlook for good. Happy Thanksgiving and hoping you will reflect and pass it on to another. Our world is rapidly changing and a time will come when we will wish we had these days to remember how good it was . Take time to see how good you have it. It is a perfect way to reduce stress and prepare for change for the better in that irritating area.
Monthly Archives: November 2014
Journal Journey
One of my visitors makes a comment I am compelled to respond to. He simply said there were millions who maybe sorry when they consider they may not meet their presumptions. It was not just the insight but the transparency and honesty that leads me to respond. The use of the word presumptions really clinched it. There is so much we would like to know, believe or experience but we often perceive barriers and abilities where they do not exist. We can be completely convinced but completely wrong and presumption is the word for it. Perception is strongly affected by core beliefs, culture, and experiences. We must keep in mind that we are ever learning and no one knows it all no matter how much we would like to, think we do, or pretend to, to stay in charge. Presumptions can be dangerous and truth is the prescription for it. Jesus said, “I Am the way, the truth, and the light.” He knows the purpose of each life and the way each should take. He alone can provide the truth about those things we do not know and He is the illumination, light, revealer of those things we need to know.
Champion Chat
Welcome to my new readers please share with us the quotes, pages or personal experiences you had. One of my favorites is the fact that our giants want to talk us out of the victory so they will not have to fight our God for it. Victory by default is a regretful reality for those who give up, quit, or agree they are not able to win. That is only partly true. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Never face the giant with you as your only focus. Always remember you have Friends and power from higher places.
Journal Journey
One of my visitors (CHH) presents several question about how to deal with the word love. The concern was it appears that it has become a major ordeal about what to say to who, when and why. Everybody needs and wants love but nobody wants to take the risk of not getting it in return. That is what happens when we focus on our personal agenda and how we will fare in the exchange. The bible says love is patient, kind, not concerned about itself, and never fails. It says a lot more in, 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8. Love is not about how we feel but how we honor and value another. This without personal regard is impossible without the source of love living in you. Only then can we truly sow love like a seed and trust for a harvest of love in return. Love is more of a choice than we like to believe. Thanks again ,CHH, for your comment. This is a quote from one of my books on the same subject.
Love is more than a feeling, sexual attraction or physical appreciation. It is a deliberate, on purpose dedication to the personal well being of another. A choice to commit without personal regard. Too many are dying from the lack of love, acceptance, healthy touch, and or affirmation. Quote from, ” lies that steal life,” page 108.
Journal Journey
Further insight on the headings on this site. Book chats can be about any of the 4 titles published the invitation is to respond to a quote and ask questions on the topic or point. Specific titles like Lies Chat is specifically from the book, “Lies That Steal Life,” or Champion Chat is, “The Heart of The Champion.” The Journal Journey is the things that come up in day to day encounters that merit sharing. The New Day Dawning is usually things that God reveals. The questions are analogies that foster reflection to promote season changes or the need to switch in activity. They are often prayer dialogue that warn or allow reflection that will grant us the ability to adjust attitudes, behaviors, or activities that foster a better quality of life.
Journal Journey
Hope my readers have more clarity about what is going on with this site because it has only just begun. We are on a journey into the supernatural and we are doing it with the help and protection of the Most High God. This is a Journal entry because I experienced it. The other day 11/4/14 I wonder into a store, bump into a lady just asking direction for what I thought I was there for. As we talk a word from God reveals to her and me that she is in the middle of a season change, (New Day Dawning). The word from God was she had to stop agreeing with wrong opinions about herself because it was not only bad information full of lies but it was paralyzing her ability to move forward into her purpose. A purpose God had chosen and equipped her for. She was seeing herself as she felt or others spoke not as what God had made her. Wrong agreement with the wrong opinion had her stalled, stuck in deception. The word of the Lord broke the chains and she just wept in the isle as a total stranger shared the heart of God and her way out of a bad place. She said she was not even suppose to be on that side of the store but she felt drawn. I never shop at that store that’s why I needed direction. Anyway we both witnessed the love and power of God to orchestrate the lives of people. Even those who do not believe in, honor or trust Him. He is merciful and kind like that. For instance one of my commenters asked me how to get on the Yahoo news where he found my page and clicked on to visit. I tried to email him and tell him I had no idea as I had no idea how I got there, If you found me in a strange or notable way give me a shout out, Sometimes we are already experiencing the miraculous and just do not know yet.
Lies Chat
Giving examples to all the headings to get us on track I want those who follow and enjoy the writing to get as much as possible if they agree with my perspective or not. I ask a question in the forward of my lies book, ” are lies friend or foe,” to get people to reflect on the advantages, disadvantages, gains or losses on a personal level. This is not to judge, critic, criticize or even comment. It is to promote personal reflection that will allow us to access if we are more comfortable with lies are truth. It will also reveal exactly how bound we are to what we believe and why. Any specific comments or questions?
New Day Dawning
Interesting couple of weeks as I have used the comments and experiences the result of responses to this blog to help me learn and improve. I was challenged to step up my game by a couple of visitors who could not connect the different subjects, topics and comments. My email letter to give insight was returned. I have since updated all the pages dedicated to the book chats with more information. This site is an opportunity for my readers to meet and greet on the books I have written. Please check the lower left side of the blog for the pages that are titles of the books and links to give further insight about the subjects. Champion chat helps people identify giants or challenges in life that tend to makes us feel inadequate. Lies chat is about the things we can agree with that are lies that bind us to untruths that hold our lives captive. That captivity is not because of the great power of the problem or challenge but by our agreement, approval or avoidance. Our approach, outlook or mindset about the matter is the true power against us, I apologize to those who simply ask, ” just write more, or can you expand and give more details.” You are witness to miracles in the making and I thank you for your patience and mercy. Please return it will benefit you greatly. The Prophet.
Journal Journey
Shout out for all the technical questions. I am new to everything on the internet and it is my God who makes me look wise and informed. That said I will add a page for answers to all your questions from the web host. I learned in the last 2 weeks that most of the e-mails and comments are just feelers to connect to me for the purposes of those who write them. It was a little sad for me because I so want to help others. I found out by literally attempting to answer the hundreds of e-mails and questions in my comment section. The emails were not deliverable. After a few returns it dawned on me my writers were not available for my agenda. I had the email tested to make sure it was confirmed and I was told to avoid trying to respond. Those who know may get a laugh and confirmation that I am new at what I am doing. That said I will continue to offer my time and insights to all who will return. I read every comment and spam to find the one person who actually will benefit by the purpose of this site. I still trust that many who need it will find and benefit by this site. Truly interested or not those who follow will begin to see things different enough to enjoy notable changes for the better in attitude, approach and hope in life. Please continue to follow. I expect miracles to be common for those who identify and embrace truth.