Things are changing so much so fast the world needs the wisdom of God more than ever. We continue in behaviors that ensnare us in cycles of discontent the evidence of a need for change. For those who think it is hopeless do not agree with things you do not want to continue. When there is no known reason to expect better decide to resist the obvious. To see a change position your heart, mind and mouth to receive a miracle. Decide to change your words so you can change your mind and heart. Christmas is not a magical season it is a miraculous gift from God, We have collectively agreed to make it about our family or personal traditions. Traditions that often make the blessing a burden and brings much pressure, pain, and problems. Choose this season to get back to the original intent of, ” peace on earth goodwill to men.” Hard to believe with the mess we are all witnessing. Exactly why we must seek help from the God who sees, knows, cares, and can do something about our struggles. He literally see’s knows and cares about everything and He has the power to do whatever is needed. The bible says, “the eyes of the Lord run thru the earth seeking those who trust in Him so He can show Himself strong for them,” 2 Chronicles 16:9. It also says, ” those who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved,” Acts 2:21. There is much the bible has to say about things and it is time we get wisdom from God. If you agree pray this with me. Lord I need your help, you are my only hope, I repent of insisting on my own way and admit I need to learn how to do life your way. Forgive my sins, come into my life and be my Lord and Savior. Teach me how to be what You want me to be, in Jesus name, amen. See why Jesus.
Category Archives: Journal Journey
Journal Journey
Well it really is a new season for us all. Time we get out the box of same old ways, attitudes, and results. We can blame the world around us but what we can change is our responses to it. This is our due/do season. The literal high time to make it happen for us. Time to go after and get what you keep putting off for later. Join me as I endeavor to live my dreams and have and enjoy my life daily not some time out there. So lets do what it takes to tap into the plans and promises of God.
Journal Journey
I am concerned about the back to back storms and the devastation they leave. There is a story in the bible about Jesus telling a storm ” peace be still.” I know everybody does not believes as I do but we are sure in enough peril to try anything. It is far better than allowing bad news to spark fears into a blazing fire that fuels fear and hopelessness. Faith works and I for one want to practice until it works with precision to resist fear and avoid devastation. Time we resist the fear frenzy that draws devastation like a magnet. Shout out if you agree.
Journal Journey
Like the four seasons of a year life has cycles of change and challenges. Fair weather or storms life goes on. To enjoy smooth sailing the right focus and priorities are most valuable. If stuff, things, wants, and feelings determine your joy and peace any storm or threat can leave you off balance or wounded. Life is our most valuable commodity and time a close second. All life is of great value no matter the season, age, gender, culture or financial status. Spend life and time like your most valuable assets. Don’t waste them or treat them as worthless and do no allow anyone else to. We are all important and valuable if we know it or not, God says so. He thought we were important enough to send His Son Jesus to make away for us to spend eternity with Him. See why Jesus.
Journal Journey
What an amazing month of miracles. Trust my followers reap the benefit of experiencing the truth in every area of life. Most of us believe there is a truth for each of us because of the unique experience of each life. One of the reasons for this blog is to invite each individual to a personal encounter with The Truth. He is not relative or the result of just personal experience, culture, gender, or belief. God is before anything, above all things, and the answer to everything. Jesus has made a way for us all to get to know Him and benefit from His great , wisdom, and power. Send your question and we will go to God in search for answers.
Journal Journey
Sorry guys it seems every time I determine to write more often I run into a lot of opposition to that desire. I will keep trying but I want to remind my readers that this blog was initially to offer an opportunity to those who own my books to discuss how their lives were affected. I receive many comments requesting more info and details and I try. Please check out my books on amazon or on this site to join in the discussion. I will choose testimonies and comments to share to help others enjoy encounters with the love of God. This is an invitation to see what happens when we unite to discuss subjects from a God informed perspective. We so often gather to comment on the opinions of men or the latest books or movies. I want to discuss things that can change a life for the better in an instant with just revealed truth. Everything we agree to support or align ourselves with is not safe or ok. We mutually agree to allow many lies for reasons that appear reasonable but actually trap us in bad places. More credit to correct credit, sex without love, children without responsibility, power without compassion. We are not to be trusted with doing our own thing. It too often forfeits the choices of others and hurts those we love. Please accept my invitation to read my books and comment on the contents. I believe your life as well as others will be changed for the better when we do this group discussion of natural versus spiritual truths which is what all my books are about. My latest work will be out in March. Hope you decide to journey with me into a quest for truth this year.
Journal Journey
I know, I know, it has been awhile but had a lot going on. The good news is no matter how much negative things tried to keep my attention I was able to do some good. I hope to publish another book in the nest 30 days. Then I will finish my daily devotional of spiritual wisdom. America and the world is in for some trying times in the days ahead and a good grip on truth and a personal relationship with God will be critical. We are about to find out that we are not in charge or control and are incapable of ruling the world without the help and wisdom of God. We believe the lie that human wisdom, science, politics, governments,or money and power can buy, control or fix anything. We have made a mess of a lot of things because that is what we do without the help of God. Those who believe God is the problem would say, “since He is able to help why does He choose not to?” The answer is we choose not to believe, invite, or ask Him. God intervenes when we give Him legal access when we ask and believe He will help, He made this rule to grant free will and allow us to govern His earthly resources. We decided our way was best, our wisdom infallible, and lost track of the true need of a creation for it”s Creator. We are a people who are learning the hard way that we are not wise or loving enough to rule things. Children need parents both of them and we make better people when we do things the way God advises. Father knows best is truth, in the case of God, if we like it or embrace it or not. The breakdown of the traditional family is why we live in the world we live today. Alternative families where we get to do as we please, sleep with who we please, discard who we please is far from utopia. We the human race are all sick from the lack of love, commitment or power over the things we create as a result of self will. My prayer is for all to get in touch with God to ride out the difficult days ahead, in Jesus name. Things are spiraling out of control and our control is NOT the way to correct it. Our control, wants, and choices finds us in need of Divine intervention to bring order out of chaos. Join with me to pray for this great nation because God is our only hope and way out of this mess and into His wisdom and will.
Journal Journey
Hello, Hello and Welcome 2015 visitors. This year I hope my cite will prompt my readers to interact on a more serious note. Thanks to all who encouraged me to continue last year I appreciate you. I hope you will begin to benefit even more from the words of insight and wisdom God reveals to His prophets. Stay tuned 2015 will be like nothing any of us has ever seen before.
Journal Journey
One of my visitors makes a comment I am compelled to respond to. He simply said there were millions who maybe sorry when they consider they may not meet their presumptions. It was not just the insight but the transparency and honesty that leads me to respond. The use of the word presumptions really clinched it. There is so much we would like to know, believe or experience but we often perceive barriers and abilities where they do not exist. We can be completely convinced but completely wrong and presumption is the word for it. Perception is strongly affected by core beliefs, culture, and experiences. We must keep in mind that we are ever learning and no one knows it all no matter how much we would like to, think we do, or pretend to, to stay in charge. Presumptions can be dangerous and truth is the prescription for it. Jesus said, “I Am the way, the truth, and the light.” He knows the purpose of each life and the way each should take. He alone can provide the truth about those things we do not know and He is the illumination, light, revealer of those things we need to know.
Journal Journey
One of my visitors (CHH) presents several question about how to deal with the word love. The concern was it appears that it has become a major ordeal about what to say to who, when and why. Everybody needs and wants love but nobody wants to take the risk of not getting it in return. That is what happens when we focus on our personal agenda and how we will fare in the exchange. The bible says love is patient, kind, not concerned about itself, and never fails. It says a lot more in, 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8. Love is not about how we feel but how we honor and value another. This without personal regard is impossible without the source of love living in you. Only then can we truly sow love like a seed and trust for a harvest of love in return. Love is more of a choice than we like to believe. Thanks again ,CHH, for your comment. This is a quote from one of my books on the same subject.
Love is more than a feeling, sexual attraction or physical appreciation. It is a deliberate, on purpose dedication to the personal well being of another. A choice to commit without personal regard. Too many are dying from the lack of love, acceptance, healthy touch, and or affirmation. Quote from, ” lies that steal life,” page 108.