Who knew things could get so bad so fast. Time we all be aware of the part we play to restore order in our lives, family, nation, and world. How can we possibly impact such a massive amount of negative change after so much loss, shock and sudden death to so much we know and love. Jesus is The answer to it all. The Way to restore order. He is the way out of all distress, disease, and evil as well as the way into Truth and the perfect leadership and will of God. We hate to admit it but as impressive as we are too many are not fit to serve and therefore unfit to lead. Unfortunately those who resist righteous authority or refuse to comply often make a mess of their lives and all who encounter them. In my, “Lies that Steal Life” book I comment on how some politicians can be like gangbangers who infect rather than protect those they claim to serve. Words like bully, slaver, liar, taker, manipulate all tools of tyranny to destroy others to promote themselves. The good news is God knows where we all are, what we are here for, and what it will take to recover from our imperfections. He is the only one who loves unconditionally and indiscriminately and desires what’s best for all. He loves people and hates evil. Contrary to popular belief Mercy trumps judgement for God. He sent Jesus to offer us a way out of what we deserve for sin error and ignorance. Most people think when God say’s repent it is a bad thing and respond in ignorance. Repent is an invitation to change your mind, direction, and poor decisions. When we sincerely want to get out repentance is a lawful re-do that transports us onto the way, safety, and rule of God and His kingdom. Some reject the invite with a focus on what people know or can prove in the courts of man. We consider blame, focus on the laws of man, condemnation, guilt, wrongful accusation or misjudgment. In the court of heaven, where God is the judge, He knows all sees all and is in position to rule in your favor. In God’s court lies are not a refuge but a trap, to deny Truth sin/guilt forfeits the eligibility to accept the sacrifice of Jesus as substitute for your sin. Deny it, buy it, own it which means you pay the debt not Jesus. In prison I use to say if you do not want to go to jail for it you sure don’t want to go to hell for it. Jesus is the way the Truth and the life choose life. See Why Jesus
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Journal Journey
Things are changing so much so fast the world needs the wisdom of God more than ever. We continue in behaviors that ensnare us in cycles of discontent the evidence of a need for change. For those who think it is hopeless do not agree with things you do not want to continue. When there is no known reason to expect better decide to resist the obvious. To see a change position your heart, mind and mouth to receive a miracle. Decide to change your words so you can change your mind and heart. Christmas is not a magical season it is a miraculous gift from God, We have collectively agreed to make it about our family or personal traditions. Traditions that often make the blessing a burden and brings much pressure, pain, and problems. Choose this season to get back to the original intent of, ” peace on earth goodwill to men.” Hard to believe with the mess we are all witnessing. Exactly why we must seek help from the God who sees, knows, cares, and can do something about our struggles. He literally see’s knows and cares about everything and He has the power to do whatever is needed. The bible says, “the eyes of the Lord run thru the earth seeking those who trust in Him so He can show Himself strong for them,” 2 Chronicles 16:9. It also says, ” those who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved,” Acts 2:21. There is much the bible has to say about things and it is time we get wisdom from God. If you agree pray this with me. Lord I need your help, you are my only hope, I repent of insisting on my own way and admit I need to learn how to do life your way. Forgive my sins, come into my life and be my Lord and Savior. Teach me how to be what You want me to be, in Jesus name, amen. See why Jesus.
New Day Dawning
Wow! we are indeed living in perilous times. Everyone doing what is right in their own sight ruled by personal agendas. True democracy is about the needs of the many more important than the few and leaders serve not control and bully. I can be silent no more in the name of Jesus I release the light of Truth to turn on the light to dispel the blindness. I have watched incredulous as a world power is publicly shamed by those who will go to any length to control her but obviously do not love her. America needs an intervention. No party, gender, sexual preference, economic status, or religious bias or personal agenda involved. Just a true patriot weeping over a lot of angry and desperate people fighting for control of a nation they are not fit to rule. Too biased, angry, power drunk, ruled by the debts they owe and promises they made to gain, sustain and remain in power literally at the expense of the citizens. Stand down, step down, stop it, repent so God can get you out of this mess. I am a prophetic intercessor who continues to pray for my nation. I wept while the nations leaders behave as unruly children who shame us before our enemies while the whole world watches. Worse than public humiliation and embarrassment is those who want to lead a world power would stoop to pettiness and lunacy. The nation shut down and many citizens work without pay for months to force the hand of an elected official. Most do not know that they are exempt from these tactics. Get rid of Trump at all cost the only agenda resist or undo anything he asserts. Not a better plan just dedicated resistance. The arrogant and proud assurance despite such poor behavior is more than shocking it’s appalling. Never thought I would live long enough to see news worthy reporting exchanged for deliberate and unapologetic bias, deception and presentation to promote personal agendas I pray it was not tax payer dollars that funds this nightmare. Anger, rage ,violent lawlessness, lies, deceit, theft, not in a movie, but reality TV. I kept thinking they are like mindless zombies under a spell. The behavior is so sporadic and insane how can they believe this is OK and how are so many in agreement. The public at large is infected as strife, division, greed and bullying become the tools of the day. If you were sure I was pointing at our president please take time to review his accomplishment for yourself. Too bad it is not common knowledge the things he has done to make America great again, Despite constant opposition all the way. There was a time when the constant organized tactics against the president of the US would be considered treason. I marvel it has not been mentioned once. Go look it up. Recently, I was reminded of my gift to help people see what they do not see. The anointing specializes in opening blinded eyes. I cannot complain or condemn if I haven’t did all I can to help. More than praying, crying, and decreeing but I had share what I see to engage in a more direct way. Sorry it took me so long. See in the name of Jesus, Be healed in the name of Jesus. Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand. God has provided a way of escape . See whyJesus.
New Day Dawning
What a time, what a world, what a challenge to identify truth to align with it and promote the change we need. There is too much anger, division and disrespect for us to unit for the greater good. Why? Too many dedicated to overthrow the American vote to promote personal agendas that have nothing to do with a better America. It bothers me that so much obvious organized and persistent activity to overthrow the American president has not been labeled treason yet. No proof, apology, or retreat something is really wrong. An agreement between Israel and others not deemed news worthy. Check the stats of this president despite the constant opposition many things changed for the better until covid 19 again not at the top of the news. What is this focus on what we hate about the president. Why is it so OK to work hard against an elected official. Why with so much evidence that he has helped this nation it is not reported but deliberately ignored. That kind of bias and opposition smells of money and power agendas not interest in truth are the recovery of America, The efforts to war against lawful authority for personal agendas in a matter that God Himself governs. Be- aware: God sees, knows, cares and can do something about it all, Repent the kingdom of God is at hand. God will intervene expose and vindicate.
New Day Dawning
It seems like overnight the whole world is spiraling out of control. The truth is it has been for awhile now; it took a reminder like this to adjust us. A wake up call for everybody to see how much we are not in control of. I really believe this is another sign of the times like the increase in storms, earthquake, and other activity. The whole earth is telling us to prepare for eternal things like Jesus and what happens after life the way we know it. Too many things going unchecked for too long brought us all to this. We have all begun to approve things that we should not. Too few are willing to do the right thing just because it is right. I believe the worse of the death by plaque is behind us but the recovery will take some individual and cooperate repentance. People who have hurt others for personal gain are at great risk. It was never about who could prove your wrongs at what expense. It was about the One who sees, knows and cares. Power, money, and influence could not stop the plaque and a change of heart and mind is going to be critical for recovery. Secure your future get right with God. See Why Jesus?
Journal Journey
There is a new drop phrase, ” my truth.” I find it a bit disturbing that we just jump on a trend that approves dangerous things. What do I mean? The people behind mass shootings, sex trade, abuse of children, enslavement of others etc… They have a truth that is far from acceptable but feel a right, duty or desire to act on it. We need to reign in these selfish agendas that allow us to hurt others. Those who become victims of a hostile takeover tend to victimize others. In the old testament of the bible there is a time described as , “they all did what was right in their own sight.” A trying and dangerous time for all people. We are there again now. The bible also says ” Jesus is the way the Truth and the light.” That means truth is a person not an opinion, a feeling or personal assessment. If you have a truth that is about you at the risk of others it is a LIE. The good news is Truth is a person who loves all, wants what’s best for all, and gave His life for all. That is the Truth worth approval and acceptance. See Why Jesus
New Day Dawning
Times they are ever changing and not always for the best. The increase of vicious attacks in public places is worse than sad. It is a sign of the results of the decline of moral standards that plunge us all into lawlessness. It is also evidence of how important it is for all of us to do our part to protect each other. Hate and terrorism are meant to rule by fear and intimidation while love allows us to resist selfish agendas that hurt us and others. Self preservation and self promotion appear to be acceptable and approved by the masses but selfishness is a silent killer. When we give ourselves permission to hurt others for our own agendas we become less and less sane, righteous and aware of what we are under the influence of, Alcohol, drugs, witchcraft, lies, bad company, ungodly counsel are all examples of things we can be under the influence of. I offer an opportunity to be under the influence of the God who loves you and gave His life for you. He has prepared a place for you after life on planet earth and will provide for and protect you while you are here. See Why Jesus,
Journal Journey
Well it really is a new season for us all. Time we get out the box of same old ways, attitudes, and results. We can blame the world around us but what we can change is our responses to it. This is our due/do season. The literal high time to make it happen for us. Time to go after and get what you keep putting off for later. Join me as I endeavor to live my dreams and have and enjoy my life daily not some time out there. So lets do what it takes to tap into the plans and promises of God.
Journal Journey
As we all reflect on how to improve on one area of life or another. I have determined to be more aggressive in social media. I have been reluctant to be driven by phones, emails etc but if I want to reach the world I have to start talking to them. So hello world. I want my life to help others avoid or recover from poor choices that hurt themselves and others. I invite you to help me do so by visiting and committing. further please consider my books I want to start chat classes and blogs to include in my next volumes. My prayer is we all experience the blessed and abundant life God intends.
New Day Dawning
Happy New Year. We made it out of last year with all the challenges, storms and victories. No matter how it appears life can turn direction in a moment and loss or defeat are not terminal just disappointing and sometimes difficult. I am concerned about the challenges our nation is currently facing. I for one am sick and tired of the fighting. Somebody better get the important news. It is time we start to fight FOR instead of with each other. We look like incompetent children in front of the whole world. We have loss focus and direction anytime we can make choices that put American citizens out of work to exercise a right to withhold assistance to support each other in efforts to make us safe and strong. No matter our opinion of our president he is our president and it is our duty to help him succeed. Any party that is more interested in any agenda that puts people out of work must rethink your purpose. Power, party goals, or personal agendas should never divide us to the point of public humiliation and unnecessary hardship for American citizens. Stop it already. We have become one nation suffering from too many gods because we have become our own. Pray America we need the help of a real God to restore order in our government and nation. Fight for what we stand for not just your personal agendas. We need each other to agree to do what is right because it is right. To those who thought it worth it to partially shut down the government I for one think you need an experience with that helpless victim position to prompt you to seek alternatives more aggressively. I further believe Americans should vote for you to fund the support of these workers with your pay until the matter is settled. How about that for some righteous order.