As we all reflect on how to improve on one area of life or another. I have determined to be more aggressive in social media. I have been reluctant to be driven by phones, emails etc but if I want to reach the world I have to start talking to them. So hello world. I want my life to help others avoid or recover from poor choices that hurt themselves and others. I invite you to help me do so by visiting and committing. further please consider my books I want to start chat classes and blogs to include in my next volumes. My prayer is we all experience the blessed and abundant life God intends.
Monthly Archives: January 2019
New Day Dawning
Happy New Year. We made it out of last year with all the challenges, storms and victories. No matter how it appears life can turn direction in a moment and loss or defeat are not terminal just disappointing and sometimes difficult. I am concerned about the challenges our nation is currently facing. I for one am sick and tired of the fighting. Somebody better get the important news. It is time we start to fight FOR instead of with each other. We look like incompetent children in front of the whole world. We have loss focus and direction anytime we can make choices that put American citizens out of work to exercise a right to withhold assistance to support each other in efforts to make us safe and strong. No matter our opinion of our president he is our president and it is our duty to help him succeed. Any party that is more interested in any agenda that puts people out of work must rethink your purpose. Power, party goals, or personal agendas should never divide us to the point of public humiliation and unnecessary hardship for American citizens. Stop it already. We have become one nation suffering from too many gods because we have become our own. Pray America we need the help of a real God to restore order in our government and nation. Fight for what we stand for not just your personal agendas. We need each other to agree to do what is right because it is right. To those who thought it worth it to partially shut down the government I for one think you need an experience with that helpless victim position to prompt you to seek alternatives more aggressively. I further believe Americans should vote for you to fund the support of these workers with your pay until the matter is settled. How about that for some righteous order.