Ever been completely convinced and completely wrong? We live in a world with many views, opinions, agendas, motivations and freedom to reach others with social media. Millions with thousands of likes, subscribers and much data without filters are accountability. This can be dangerous when everything we agree to be acceptable or OK is not necessarily good for any of us. We have all made poor choices and bad decisions some live to regret them others may not. This age of following, sharing, and promoting personal agendas has assets and liabilities. We get to hide who we really are and present our dreams and fantasies without threat of exposure or taking responsibility for our blunders, I submit we do unto others as we would want them to do unto us. Honesty really is a virtue and contrary to popular belief truth is an advantage not a disadvantage.
Category Archives: Book Chats
Lies Chat
Our world seems so hard to navigate these days. It feels like nothing is trust worthy. I mean even water and food is questionable. We so need a return to truth as an option. Truth in lending, speaking, marketing, spending. How about truth on the job, in the home, to our children. One would think truth illegal or a disadvantage the way we choose lies as the default choice. I’m about to start my second installment of, “Lies That Steal Life” and I am looking for those who have read the first book and would like to share a testimony or comment. The second bo0k will update some of the original material and expand on some to bring us to where we all are now . In need of Truth to get us to a better place. Come join with me in a journey to identify and embrace Truth.
Lies Chat
Coming to the end of 2015 hope we were able to see and enjoy the good things that happened. Pray we were victorious in every challenge. Believe we will proceed with faith and determination to see the goodness of God while we live. So many of us are ensnared by lies we tell, believe, promote, and agree with. Santa is a perfect example of deliberate promotion and agreement with a real life true story that became a fable and is now a legend of international proportions. Am I against Santa not the legend but the tales full of magic and mayhem that compels us to lie to our children. We are hiding, tricking making ever more elaborate stories with movies and books that are all, “family friendly” but steeped in untruth. This is not to judge or criticize any family tradition, favorite show, or personal choice. I simply make the observation that we tend to embrace and propagate lies and agree together to approve them for ourselves and our children. The point is many embrace and approve Santa but reject and attempt to out law Jesus. Santa was a good man who walked through some real bad weather to give gifts and hope. Jesus came to give His life to give us a way out of the penalty for sin and an opportunity to spend eternity with Him. We tell tales about all dead people going to heaven and good people get in for being good. The truth is Jesus is the way we get in and we have to embrace His way to get there. I present this now to offer my readers the greatest gift ever given and another opportunity to see and embrace truth. We can see by the news our world has changed in some not so good ways. It is not going back to some time before but forward to what comes next. We make great effort to prepare for holidays, shopping sprees, and gatherings with family and friends. I recommend we prepare for eternity with even greater zeal to secure ourselves and families for the truth about what happens next. See Why Jesus.
Champion Chat
Today we refresh on how to deal with the challenges we face in life. Everything from taking a test to facing a situation we feel inadequate for. Fear is a formidable foe but is only guaranteed a victory if we do not resist. Remember defeat needs only our surrender to win. When we decide to do it afraid or confront our fears we are already winning because we decided not to lose by default. The heart of a champion is fixed trusting in the Lord is one of my favorite quotes. If the buck stops with you it is a scary place to be. When we have friends in heavenly places we do not trust in our own ability we tap into supernatural resources. One of the names of God is El- Gibbor which means Champion God. When we function as our own god we can do some shady things to keep the advantage. It can become hard to do what is right, just because it is right, especially in a world as compromised as ours. We feel at a disadvantage for not lying, cheating, or compromising to stay in the game. The problem is we all suffer for all the willingness to do what ever it takes. We are all on the verge of a total melt down as we forfeit truth for alternatives. Alternative families are gangs, alternative life styles are self-made prisons that rage against the only way out. All efforts to remain independent of God and His wisdom makes us vulnerable. All lies that bind us to personal truths that hurt and harm in ways we do not immediately see or understand. What does that mean to you? I invite dialogue.
Lies Chat
We all have to make decisions about the messages we are receiving from the multiple sources in our lives. What employers, employees, family, friends, government, news, TV, public opinion have to say about what we are all living with in our lives today. The whole world is out of control and so many different plans to fix it but why? How is it so many feel equal to the task of ruling the world and or governing the masses. We do not need more laws to see justice we need to live within the parameters of the ones we already have. We have too many ideas and laws people feel will correct disorder but they simply propagate injustice. Laws were never meant to enforce the will of anyone person or group on another. These new laws do not fix a problem but unleash a storm of new problems. We have a lot of good ideas to fix things but it is a lie. Since we did not obey, embrace, or agree with the ones God made why do we expect them to succeed. I invite my readers to comment and present their ideas along with why they are sure they will help. I will take no credit just publish and give opportunity for feed back. I want to provide a forum to discuss human wisdom in light of the wisdom of God. What we need now is a word from God to help us get back on track. There is no person, political party, group, or organization that can fix the mess we are in. Our prideful independence is why we find ourselves where we are. Only our humble repentance and surrender to God is going to get us out of this one. Please join us in prayer to call on the name of the Lord for He promises that those who call on His name shall be saved. The name is Jesus. He really is the answer to it all. He really does love and care about us all and He is unbiased and interested in what is best for all. Love is not selfish or controlling and much of our agendas are self-motivated. We need help from someone who knows all and is capable of doing the impossible. We are all in miracle territory now and only God knows best in this realm.
New Day Dawning
I am back. Sorry been doing some different things in April but I will not stay away from the blog so long any more. This month I started a bible study class around the Heart of the Champion book and discovered a lot of amazing material winning the battle of how we think. How we approach or view our challenges is how we will fair in the confrontation. It is important to face challenges with an empowered perspective. Those who are in God have all they need for the battle is God’s and they get to live the victory. How amazing, that truly is empowerment. Any way we had several testimonies in the group, joy restored, quit smoking and a victory over other hard challenges. The right response to a challenge will keep the right focus which allows right choices that bring the right result. Face giants as a giant slayer not a grass hopper in your own sight to win against odds that appear overwhelming.
Champion Chat
Champions arise it is our time to shine. We are not victims, but victors, not cursed but blessed, not weak but endued with power, time to believe it to see it more consistently. This is the year to find out what God intends for your life. Time to enjoy the journey on the way to eternity with God. If you have not accepted the gift of salvation through Christ Jesus. Do so now just go to, why Jesus, and find out why?
Lies Chat
Most mistakes are not fatal. If you have made some and survived, celebrate, get over fail ability it does not trump survivability. Failure is not final. The greatest lesson to learn is, do not quit, choose to try again. What you learn from mistakes and failures you never forget and they serve to increase the chances for success. Delay is not denial. Patience and perseverance are both virtues that many today think are antiquated. I wrote in one of my books, “defeat only needs our agreement to succeed but so does victory.” To quit results in failure. Never again agree, that you are a failure or looser, choose to resist that lie. No matter who says it or even if you feel it; resist the temptation to agree with anything that immobilizes or thwarts your potential. Those who live through the hard times and learning seasons will experience the truth. To persevere has great reward, so reject lies to get to see and live the truth.
Lies Chat
I have several request for more details on the, Lies Chat comments. It would be easier if you ask on a specific subject so I can respond. If you have kindle maybe you can read the table contents free on Amazon and pick a topic to discuss. You can also submit a comment with the heading and date you most want to know more about and I will expand. It is a lot of material to attempt to expand without further direction from those who want to know more. Other wise the books have descriptions you can choose topics and subjects to help me target the subject of most interest to you. I want to accommodate my readers so please specify. I will do my best to respond timely to your request .
Champion Chat
Welcome to my new readers please share with us the quotes, pages or personal experiences you had. One of my favorites is the fact that our giants want to talk us out of the victory so they will not have to fight our God for it. Victory by default is a regretful reality for those who give up, quit, or agree they are not able to win. That is only partly true. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Never face the giant with you as your only focus. Always remember you have Friends and power from higher places.