Category Archives: Blog Chats

New Day Dawning

Hope you had a pleasant Valentines day.  It is a good thing to celebrate, validate and acknowledge Love.  I do believe our world is suffering from the lack of understanding of what true love is.  This morning I was thinking how glad I was I am connected to the true source of love so I can experience the depth of true love.  Love is far more than a feeling and we all are made more alive by an encounter with it.  Our definitions of love do not agree with God’s.  I invite you to an encounter with the only love worth finding.  It is kind, patient, not proud, selfish, or puffed up.  Love does not remember offense,  it does not envy  and it is not rude.  Love is long suffering  it protects and preserves and is the only guarantee to heaven.

Many ask why do Christians insist there is only one way to God.  The answer is simple that is what God said about it.  God sent Jesus to give His life to make the way for us to get to Him.  It was an act of love from God who is love and knew the one thing that would get the job done.  That means the way  He made  is the only way He accepts because it was the only thing that works.   No other deity, religious group or guru can say I laid down my life to give you access to eternal life with me.  None of them can forgive and remove your sins and offenses and cast them into a sea of forgetfulness.   No one  knows all about you and loves you anyway and promises to guide, provide and protect you.   The  world at large is dying  from the lack of love.  Love would not use and discard someone for personal gratification,  weaknesses, or mistakes.  Love does not deny love,  acceptance, or value to anyone because of how they look, dress, or smell.  Love is not selfish, self absorbed, or self focused.  Love is determined and committed to do good by the object of that love.  Love would prevent someone from making a slave out of another human being for self gratification or money.   Much of what we consider love is  not about the object of our love but ourselves.   This is not to imply their is no genuine emotional attachment to those we care about it is saying it is much more.  Love allows us to grow with, not abandon for a new model, stand with the imperfect not quit on them.  This kind of love is possible only for those who totally sell out to God and surrender to His ways .  It is  impossible for us to love like Him when we are not connected to Him.    If you are interested in making that connection today see Why Jesus and accept His invitation into the family of God.


Journal Journey

Sorry  guys it seems every time I determine to write more often I run into a lot of opposition to that desire.  I will keep trying but I want to remind my readers that this blog was initially to offer an opportunity to those who own my books to discuss how their lives were affected. I receive many comments requesting more info and details and I try. Please check out my books on amazon or on this site to join in the discussion.  I will choose  testimonies and comments to share to help others enjoy encounters with the love of God.  This is an invitation to see what happens when we unite to discuss subjects from a God informed perspective.  We so often gather to comment on the opinions of men or the latest books or movies.  I want to discuss things that can change a life for the better in an instant with just revealed truth.  Everything we agree to support or align ourselves with is not safe or ok.  We mutually  agree to allow many lies for reasons that appear reasonable but actually trap us in bad places.  More credit to correct credit, sex without love, children without responsibility, power without compassion.  We are not to be trusted with doing our own thing.  It too often forfeits the choices of others and hurts those we love.  Please accept my invitation to read my books and comment on the contents.  I believe your life as well as others will be changed for the better when we do this group discussion of natural versus spiritual truths  which is what all my books are about.  My latest work will be out in March.  Hope you decide to journey with me into a quest for truth this year.

New Day Dawning

Our world is constantly changing it is time we use our words to frame our futures.  Tolerance for everything is hardly the answer with so many options and opinions.  The wisdom of the source of life {GOD} is the best answer.  This means  get rid of negative speaking and expectations.  As the alpha creation of God what we agree with we empower good or bad, right or wrong.  Get out of the habit of agreement with the wrong  people,  places,  and things.  Decide to speak and choose the way into good results rather than suffering from wrong choices,  words, and ungodly alliances and agreements.  Did you know the bible says that blessing and curses are in the power of the tongue?  Sometimes the very hell we are living is a result of the words we are speaking.  This year we  will  Speak blessings on the New Year to avoid curses in Jesus name.

It’s that time again, resolutions, revolutions, fresh starts, new beginnings.  This year let us speak to the days ahead.  Speak in agreement with all the limitless potential that is available to us in God.  Declare with me this is the year of forward motion, upward mobility, increased productivity, and wealth transfer.  Proclaim in faith the year of the harvest of good in the face of famine and chaos.  Decide to sow good seed into good soil to promote healthy life.  Let the giving and receiving begin to us and from us until blessing and love abound and there is not room to receive more.  Let us follow God this year into uncharted territories that already belongs to us.  We have to get out of control to get out of bondage to things especially our comfort zones.  Do good for others and reap greater good personally.   It is time to accept the goodness of  God.  Believe to receive all  God has reserved  for those who believe.  This may mean for some to move pass all  that has held us to our current position.

Determine to cast off the Deadly D’s of disappointment, depression, despair, discouragement, dis-ease, and distress no matter the source.  Choose life over death, freedom over bondage, and prosperity over poverty. We ask God to help us live in liberty this year not captive to anything.  Did you know that God has a purpose for every life?  The bible says His plans are good to bring us to an expected end.  That means a God purpose.  Not a liability,  victim,  down under things, confused, or controlled by people or things.  One of the characteristics of God is He knows the end from the beginning.  That is why  the best choice is to get in touch with Him to learn what He knows about  us.  Things we do not know and cannot become without His help.   Everything starts with Him and the guarantee of a good end is to let Him guide, provide, and protect us.   It is with His help we can do, survive, and overcome   all things and navigate the human condition.  Time to step to our problems so God can take care of them.  Speak to the mountains of opposition and command them to be moved in the power of Jesus’s name.  We have nothing to loose and an inheritance in God to gain.    It is time to choose God to move by faith into  His plans.  He has prepared the way, will help us to know the way, so  we can go the way He has blessed.

May this new year be the most prosperous year ever.  I know that is only possible with the choice to go with Jesus this year.  There are many dangerous days ahead and I strongly recommend a commitment to God as it is the only security for these troubled times.   See Why Jesus and go in God.  Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!

New Day Dawning

Sorry for the long break.  This has been an intense season of warfare and intrigue.  There really is a cost to speaking wisdom to the masses but I know it is worth it.  I hope to restore daily chats.  I invite my readers to purchase the books that the titles of this blog highlight.  Readers ask for ebooks and longer articles a lot and I was in the process of that when I went on an extended break for health and distraction issues.  The Lies That Steal Life,”  Heart of the Champion. and Son of God son of Man books are a discipleship series on how to identify and get the victory over lies, weaknesses and wrong agreement and perspectives.   It is hard to over throw what we agree to so we have to get a new perspective to get a new result.  I recommend the books because they are life changing and helpful to get new knowledge that results in better choices.  The bible is my book of choice because it is where I got a better understanding of God.  If we believe in Him or not He IS and will help when we choose to invite Him and commit to believe until we see and understand Him better.    I was personally physically, emotionally, and spiritually sick and suicidal with no hope that God would be interested in helping me since I was my biggest problem.  I learned of His love, mercy,  power and willingness to help those who feel underserving.  I want to share it with a world full of people who need the kind of help that only He can give.  It is hard to get a better result when you cannot believe for it and it is impossible to get out of God size trouble without God.  The good news is you can change your mind and make a better choice that will allow you to recover and forge ahead.  If you are willing to reconsider your truth  to get to know the Truth.  Proceed to why Jesus to see what the bible tells us about it.

Journal Journey

I know, I know, it has been awhile but had a lot going on.  The good news is no matter how much negative things tried to keep my attention I was able to do some good.   I hope to publish another book in the nest 30 days.  Then I will finish my daily devotional of spiritual wisdom.   America and the world is in for some trying times in the days ahead and a good grip on truth and a personal relationship with God will be critical.  We are about to find out that we are not in charge or control and are incapable of ruling the world without the help and wisdom of God.  We believe the lie that  human wisdom, science, politics, governments,or money and power can buy, control or fix  anything.  We have made a mess of a lot of things because that is what we do without the help of God.  Those who believe God is the problem would say, “since He is able to help why does He choose not to?”  The answer is we choose not to believe, invite, or ask Him.   God intervenes when we give Him legal access  when we ask and believe He will help,  He made this rule to  grant free will and allow us to govern His earthly resources.  We decided our way was best, our wisdom infallible, and lost track of the true need of a creation for it”s Creator.  We are a people who are learning the hard way that we are not wise or loving enough to rule things.  Children need parents both of them and we make better people when we do things the way God advises.  Father knows best is truth, in the case of God, if we like it or embrace it or not.  The breakdown of the traditional family is why we live  in the world we live  today.   Alternative families where we get to do as we please, sleep with who we please, discard who we please is far from utopia. We the human race are all sick from the  lack of love, commitment or power over the things we create as a result of self will.  My prayer is for all to get in touch with God to ride out the difficult days ahead, in Jesus name.  Things are spiraling out of control and our control is NOT the way to correct it.  Our  control, wants, and choices finds us in need of Divine intervention to bring order out of chaos.  Join with me to pray for this great nation because God is our only hope and  way out of this mess and into His wisdom and will.

New Day Dawning

This has been a very challenging month for me but I refuse to surrender to fear, doubt, or mental anguish. These tools of negativity attempt to keep our minds full of  what if distractions that can affect what is wrongly. The first line of defense is to not agree with the worse case scenario. When the problem is the focus the answer is not.  What does that mean.  Example:  There is a story in the bile where thousands of people are in a place where there is not enough food.  The focus  of the disciples is what they do not have to take care of the problem.  The focus of Jesus was what do we have.  He took what He had and prayed for enough and it fed everyone with more than enough and there was some left over.  I know many readers do not believe in God but this is me sharing why I take the road I take and use  the bible to learn  a better way of life.  The way we respond to our challenges will determine how things turn out.  If we are limited to only what we see or know we miss an opportunity to experience miracles.  Negative  things tend to leave us shocked, overwhelmed, angry, afraid notice all negative responses destined to bring negative results.  The wrong response causes the wrong focus which brings the wrong choices that get the wrong results.

This is an invitation to anyone following to give an example I will post it so others can benefit by discussion.    Submit your comments, questions or experiences to encourage conversation.   We look forward to a group approach to challenges.  The bible actually says there is safety in a multitude of counsel.  In context it means we are not to make major decision with only what we know or goes on in our heads.  Others may have  experience or insight the result of not having the same bias, mindset, focus, or agenda.

Tiny Tales

This new category is for all those who ask for more information on the things I share on this blog site.  As I originally related this site began as an opportunity to allow those who have read my books to share their experiences.   I published 4 books in 2013 and will publish two more this year.  One is a daily word of wisdom to uplift readers and give encouragement to start each day.    I believe in miracles because I am a miracle.  Someone with an experience like mine cannot agree that personal opinions are informed enough to change my mind.  No one was able to help me when I needed it most, and the strong convictions of those without experiences like mine will never change my mind.    I was once one of those people who did not understand or agree with the whole God cares thing because of all the bad things I experienced from childhood.  I spent most of my life trying to recover from the God punishment I was told about.  I understand those who do not know God and wonder.   Where is God when babies are being abused, nations are starving, people are being unjustly mistreated?  None of us want to believe that God is not the problem ungodly people are.  What about storms that destroy thousands of lives in one fatal swoop?  Would you believe people who believe in God can actually speak to storms and stop or change there course?  I know, I know, unbelievable.  That is the problem with the world.  We do not believe in God so we do not know Him and we cannot benefit by all He as made available to empower us to enjoy a more  blessed life.

Imagine you are the  creator of the universe.  You know all there is to know about it because you made it.  Like a painter who remembers every stroke or an author who knows all the characters and what will happen next.   You know all about; why you did what you did, when you did it, and how.   That is how it is to be God.  The opinions, attitudes, complaints, and criticisms of the uninformed can not overrule, the originator.  Others are limited by what they do not know and have no ability to affect; except their personal ability to benefit.   I often remind people that heaven is the home of God.  He has told us how to accept His invitation to spend eternity there.  It is to our advantage to find out from the one who is throwing the party how we are to get in.  Reasonable minds will agree it would  behoove us to do things His way.   But we have determined since we do not see Him we do not have to believe He exists.  We have not seen heaven,  the air we breath, fear, pain, evil, or sorrow but we do experience them.   We know they exist because we can feel, know, or experience them.  People who have an encounter with God are passionate about Him because of the amazing changes He makes in their lives.  To those who say, “what about the god that tells people to kill people that do not convert?”  I am not talking about any  god that requires people to convert or kill others.  I share a personal experience with The God who loves us all enough to give His own life to connect with anyone who will believe it.   The God who made the way Himself  for us to  spend eternity with Him.   We have only to hear the truth dare to believe it and live to receive and benefit from the love of God.  He made provision  for now and forever and  it includes access to health, power, and  friends in heavenly places.  Jesus gave His life to pay in full for a new life with benefits that includes a reservation to heaven.   Still He only made the way you must choose to claim your ticket in the way God requires.  See Why Jesus page.

New Day Dawning

I am back. Sorry been doing some different things in April but I will not stay away from the blog so long any more. This month I started a bible study class around the Heart of the Champion book and discovered a lot of amazing material winning the battle of how we think. How we approach or view our challenges is how we will fair in the confrontation. It is important to face challenges with an empowered perspective. Those who are in God have all they need for the battle is God’s and they get to live the victory. How amazing, that truly is empowerment. Any way we had several testimonies in the group, joy restored, quit smoking and a victory over other hard challenges. The right response to a challenge will keep the right focus which allows right choices that bring the right result. Face giants as a giant slayer not a grass hopper in your own sight to win against odds that appear overwhelming.

New Day Dawning

Many are asking for e-books and more information on the topics I post on this blog.  So in the month of April  I will launch my tiny tales to expand on subjects that my readers request.  So ask a question, make a comment, I will do my best too give the readers what they want if more detail will help.  It is my pleasure to share.

New Day Dawning

Too often we focus on what we do not have, think we need or feel we must have to succeed. What is most important is what you already have to spur you to greatness. What gift, talent, information, or support do you take for granted while you languish in sorrow about what you think you need more. People with jobs, family who love them, excellent gifts and talents, can miss the opportunity to celebrate what they have of great value. Instead they waste time and life focused on things that have no eternal value or importance when compared to the priceless things they do have.