New Day Dawning

Too often we focus on what we do not have, think we need or feel we must have to succeed. What is most important is what you already have to spur you to greatness. What gift, talent, information, or support do you take for granted while you languish in sorrow about what you think you need more. People with jobs, family who love them, excellent gifts and talents, can miss the opportunity to celebrate what they have of great value. Instead they waste time and life focused on things that have no eternal value or importance when compared to the priceless things they do have.

Journal Journey

Hello, Hello and Welcome 2015 visitors. This year I hope my cite will prompt my readers to interact on a more serious note. Thanks to all who encouraged me to continue last year I appreciate you. I hope you will begin to benefit even more from the words of insight and wisdom God reveals to His prophets. Stay tuned 2015 will be like nothing any of us has ever seen before.

Lies Chat

Most mistakes are not fatal.  If you have made some and survived,  celebrate, get over fail ability it does not trump survivability. Failure is not final.  The greatest lesson to learn is, do not quit, choose to try again. What you learn from mistakes and failures you never forget and they serve to increase the chances for success.  Delay is not denial.   Patience and perseverance are both virtues that many today think are antiquated.  I wrote in one of my books, “defeat only needs our agreement to succeed but so does victory.” To quit results in failure.  Never again agree, that you are a failure or looser, choose to resist that lie. No matter who says it or even if you feel it; resist the temptation to agree with anything that immobilizes or thwarts your potential. Those who live through the hard times and learning seasons will experience the truth.  To persevere has great reward, so reject lies to get to see and live  the truth.

New Day Dawning

Happy New Year and may you be able to discern the signs of the times.  We are a proud and blessed people but we often take for granted those things that are most important.  In case you are not aware, we have entered a season where we must seek wisdom from God, for the days ahead.  Not the government, friends, google, scientist, or the wisdom of other people.  The wisdom of God only will help us now.  Put aside all bias, preconceived ideas, prejudices and ask God if He is really out there to give you wisdom for the days ahead.

Merry Christmas

May the God of all- bless you with the grace to see and embrace the greatest truth.  That God gave His Son to make away for us to experience His love and deliver us from the wages of sin, which is death or better said eternal separation from God.  The original intent of God has always been good will to all people.  May you enjoy the wonder of an encounter with the God who loves us and gave Himself for us.   Most have heard the story of the baby born in a barn and laid in a manger.  Not many know what it is all about.  The good news is He died to free us from the penalty of our sins.  This gives us an opportunity to live for Him and spend eternity with Him in heaven when the body dies. We have only to ask Him and He will help us see Him for who He is.   My Christmas gift to my readers is a prayer for you all to embrace the truth and stop trying so hard to keep a lie alive.  Santa is not what our children need- Jesus is.  Santa will not pay the elaborate bills or get them reservations into heaven.  Jesus is the only way  and His death on the cross is what it took to give us access.   The most valuable and important gift ever given was His life.   But like any gift- if we do not know about it or open it, we cannot enjoy the benefits or see the value, of it.   I pray you and all you care about will have a Merry Christmas and  share the kindness and mercy of God with others.  May He protect you and yours, give you wisdom for the days ahead, and grant you the grace to see, turn and repent to receive His gifts of forgiveness and eternal life in heaven.   His birthday celebration is to remind us of  the greatest gift ever given- I pray this year you will open the present- and find the multiple other gifts inside.   Too many know the story but  too few  understand and enjoy this priceless provision.  This one decision positions us to access so many other promises that reveal Jesus as the gift that keeps on giving.  His life  was given to remove the  penalties of sin and restore us to right relationship with God.   We have the right to free will and choice and He will not violate it. The bible say the wages of sin is death.  Jesus paid those wages with His life so that who-so-ever- would dare to  believe for the  asking could be made, not guilty– at His expense.  More at: why Jesus

New Day Dawning

Hope everyone had a good thanksgiving.  Now for Christmas.  Remember the real reason for the season and give the gift of love.  The best gifts are not the most expensive but the most valuable.  A word of encouragement, kind consideration, show appreciation and value for the good  gifts  we have and should hold dear.  Not for what they give or do for us but the added value and priceless support of family, friends and those who celebrate rather than just tolerate us.

Lies Chat

I have several  request for more details on the, Lies Chat comments.  It would be easier if you ask on a specific subject so I can respond.    If you have kindle maybe you can read the table contents free on Amazon and pick a topic to discuss.   You can also submit a comment with the heading and date you most want to know more about and I will expand.  It is a lot of material to attempt to expand without further direction from those who want to know more. Other wise  the  books have descriptions you can choose topics and subjects to help me target the subject of most interest to you. I want to  accommodate my readers so please specify.   I will do my best  to respond timely to  your request .

Journal Journey

Thanksgiving.  Sometimes we get so caught up in what is not going as we would like that we miss how much we actually have to be thankful for.  The ability to see the sunset, take a walk, lock your door at night because you have a roof over your head.  Kiss a child good night, say hello on a phone call, drive your vehicle to work.  These are things many are not currently enjoying.  It is common to miss the best things in life caught up with those little things that come to steal joy, disrupt peace, and destroy an outlook for good.   Happy Thanksgiving and hoping you will reflect and pass it on to another.  Our world is rapidly changing and a time will come when we will wish we had these days to remember how good it was .  Take time to see how good you have it.  It is a perfect way to reduce stress and prepare for change for the better in that irritating area.

Journal Journey

One of my visitors makes a comment I am compelled to respond to.  He simply said there were millions who maybe sorry when they consider they may not meet their presumptions.  It was not just the insight but the transparency and honesty that leads me to respond.  The use of the word presumptions really clinched it.  There is so much we would like  to know, believe or experience but we often perceive barriers and abilities where they do not exist.  We can be completely convinced but completely wrong and presumption is the word for it.   Perception is strongly affected by core beliefs, culture, and experiences.  We must keep in mind that we are ever learning and no one knows it all no matter how much we would like to, think we do, or pretend to, to stay in charge.  Presumptions can be dangerous and truth is the prescription for it.  Jesus said, “I Am the way, the truth,  and the light.”  He knows the purpose of each life and the way each should take.  He alone can provide the truth about those things we do not know and He is the illumination, light, revealer of  those things we need to know.

Champion Chat

Welcome to my new readers please share with us the quotes,  pages or personal experiences you had.  One of my favorites is the fact that our giants want to talk us out of the victory so they will not have to fight our God for it.   Victory by default is a regretful reality for those who give up, quit, or agree they are not able to win.   That is only partly true.  We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.  Never face the giant with you as your only focus.  Always remember you have Friends and power from higher places.

Reject Ungodly Counsel