All posts by prophet Gee

Survivor, author, mother, minister, mentor, prophet who shares the journey from pain to purpose. Blessed to journal back from despair to transition from victim to victor to tell of the importance of, guarding the thoughts, to enjoy a blessed life. There is life after death and trauma. A new life for the asking for those who dare to believe. Come journey with me.

Lies Chat

Ever been completely convinced and find you were completely wrong.  Most are reluctant to admit it but it is common in a world where lies, secrets, and selfish motives abound.  Even if you are the person who hides things to manipulate outcomes being sure of something that later proves different will find you too.  The only recovery with dignity is to accept we are not perfect any of us.  We can learn by these things are allow them to shatter confidence or destroy the future.  Another example of the power and impact of, “Lies That Steal Life.”  Lies wound us then if we respond wrong they can cripple us for life.  Get up survivors live past disappointment, overcome depression, and avoid despair.  I believe this is possible only because I recovered from fatal wounds.  I was sure I would ever celebrate or enjoy life.   See, Transformed Life  for a little insight.  The point is there is hope after fatal injuries and God is the greatest Healer there is.  It is ok if you do not believe now  I can assure you if you ask Him He will help you get to know Him.  See Why Jesus to learn some things you may not know.   Love is the answer to all hurts and God is love.

New Day Dawning

Good to be back this is another invitation to enjoy the books that prompted me to start this blog.  It was to provide a forum for question with answers from a biblical perspective.  Not to condemn but to provide information that is not common knowledge.   I finally finished my most recent book and have started a cartoon series that I think we will enjoy.  Until then I need material for the second installment to, “Lies That Steal Life.”  It has some new insights and a lot of testimonials.   There will be prizes for the top 10 will share what they are later.   Hope this new year is your best ever, that your needs are met and you take every opportunity to live to your full potential.  Remember with God nothing is impossible.  It is why I choose life in Him.  All limits are removed and the potential is limitless.   If you have not yet accepted an invitation into the family of God  see Why Jesus and find love without limits and power to live in your purpose to your full potential.

New Day Dawning

Hello out there.  It has been special to say the least wow our world is so in need of divine assistance.  As we have lost our moral compass we have lost access to a safe and secure way.  We are now reaping the whirlwind of do your own thing.  The bible tells about a time in history when every man did what was right in his own sight.  We are in that condition today and we think the plans and agendas of other people will help us collectively.  No one has a magic potion or a good enough plan to fix the mess we are in.  The very idea that law suits, protest in the street, murder, mayhem, and organized chaos is a remedy for anything is a delusion.  We are so, “like me follow me,”  drunk we all want to lead if we are going somewhere good or not.  The ability to inspire to follow does not mean a good leader.  Where are you going and why do you believe it is a good idea for everyone.  An internet sensation does not make a wise choice for inspiration or direction.  We are all amazing wonders of God but only when we are lead by Him are we capable of  good leadership to get to the right place in the right way.  Confidence in any person is usually an invitation to disappointment.  For one reason, we are all imperfect.  Education, confidence, not even money making ability is a guarantee to success or satisfaction.  Only God satisfies, knows the end at the beginning, and can get us to the place we want to be now and for eternity.    Get right so you are not left behind  when what happens next comes.  We are all in for some trying days ahead but with God all things are possible.  We are certainly in miracle territory so connect to the Miracle Worker to get the results you need.  Jesus is the open door to every good and perfect gift from God and now is the time to connect.  Tomorrow is not promised and there is no other way.   See Why Jesus

New Day Dawning

Sorry guys going through a lot of transition and my main computer is out of commission but life goes on.  I am so sorry I missed sharing during the Resurrection Season.  There is so much the masses do not realize about this great celebration of new life.   Many people just do the easter eggs, bunny rabbit, candy and family gathering version.   Not a thing wrong with it.  I like giving the details about the amazing gifts God gives to us because too many do not know and do not benefit from them.

A lot of people have heard of Jesus and many saw the Passion of Christ and had varying opinions.  I hear all the time from people who do not understand.  What kind of weak god would die for people who do not even respect Him.  They would rather a warrior vengeful deity that would make things obey.  This is true of many gods that men choose to align themselves with.  Entities that demand rituals, allegiance, obedience to ordinances and organizations that govern with  fear and control.  Many who do not personally know God think it is true of the christian God too.  It is at the core all about love and forgiveness which includes  so much more than laws, rules, and  edicts.

It is a way of life that that allows God to provide, protect, and preserve those who align with Him.  That is the reason I dedicate my life to unveiling truth.  It is not good to make decisions about things we do not know  without some unbiased insight,  Who would suffer such a cruel and public ordeal that ended in death if it were not necessary or critically important?  What would be the motivation?  Just as important who would reject such and obvious act of love?  The bible says,  “no greater love than a man would lay down his life for another.”  What kind of love would do it for those who obviously do not love Him back?  What dos He know that we do not know?  Most do not know Him at all but make determinations that make light of His great sacrifice of love.   I issue another invitation to get to know Him for yourself it would be the best decision you ever made.  See Why Jesus.


New Day Dawning

Hope you had a pleasant Valentines day.  It is a good thing to celebrate, validate and acknowledge Love.  I do believe our world is suffering from the lack of understanding of what true love is.  This morning I was thinking how glad I was I am connected to the true source of love so I can experience the depth of true love.  Love is far more than a feeling and we all are made more alive by an encounter with it.  Our definitions of love do not agree with God’s.  I invite you to an encounter with the only love worth finding.  It is kind, patient, not proud, selfish, or puffed up.  Love does not remember offense,  it does not envy  and it is not rude.  Love is long suffering  it protects and preserves and is the only guarantee to heaven.

Many ask why do Christians insist there is only one way to God.  The answer is simple that is what God said about it.  God sent Jesus to give His life to make the way for us to get to Him.  It was an act of love from God who is love and knew the one thing that would get the job done.  That means the way  He made  is the only way He accepts because it was the only thing that works.   No other deity, religious group or guru can say I laid down my life to give you access to eternal life with me.  None of them can forgive and remove your sins and offenses and cast them into a sea of forgetfulness.   No one  knows all about you and loves you anyway and promises to guide, provide and protect you.   The  world at large is dying  from the lack of love.  Love would not use and discard someone for personal gratification,  weaknesses, or mistakes.  Love does not deny love,  acceptance, or value to anyone because of how they look, dress, or smell.  Love is not selfish, self absorbed, or self focused.  Love is determined and committed to do good by the object of that love.  Love would prevent someone from making a slave out of another human being for self gratification or money.   Much of what we consider love is  not about the object of our love but ourselves.   This is not to imply their is no genuine emotional attachment to those we care about it is saying it is much more.  Love allows us to grow with, not abandon for a new model, stand with the imperfect not quit on them.  This kind of love is possible only for those who totally sell out to God and surrender to His ways .  It is  impossible for us to love like Him when we are not connected to Him.    If you are interested in making that connection today see Why Jesus and accept His invitation into the family of God.


Journal Journey

Sorry  guys it seems every time I determine to write more often I run into a lot of opposition to that desire.  I will keep trying but I want to remind my readers that this blog was initially to offer an opportunity to those who own my books to discuss how their lives were affected. I receive many comments requesting more info and details and I try. Please check out my books on amazon or on this site to join in the discussion.  I will choose  testimonies and comments to share to help others enjoy encounters with the love of God.  This is an invitation to see what happens when we unite to discuss subjects from a God informed perspective.  We so often gather to comment on the opinions of men or the latest books or movies.  I want to discuss things that can change a life for the better in an instant with just revealed truth.  Everything we agree to support or align ourselves with is not safe or ok.  We mutually  agree to allow many lies for reasons that appear reasonable but actually trap us in bad places.  More credit to correct credit, sex without love, children without responsibility, power without compassion.  We are not to be trusted with doing our own thing.  It too often forfeits the choices of others and hurts those we love.  Please accept my invitation to read my books and comment on the contents.  I believe your life as well as others will be changed for the better when we do this group discussion of natural versus spiritual truths  which is what all my books are about.  My latest work will be out in March.  Hope you decide to journey with me into a quest for truth this year.

New Day Dawning

Our world is constantly changing it is time we use our words to frame our futures.  Tolerance for everything is hardly the answer with so many options and opinions.  The wisdom of the source of life {GOD} is the best answer.  This means  get rid of negative speaking and expectations.  As the alpha creation of God what we agree with we empower good or bad, right or wrong.  Get out of the habit of agreement with the wrong  people,  places,  and things.  Decide to speak and choose the way into good results rather than suffering from wrong choices,  words, and ungodly alliances and agreements.  Did you know the bible says that blessing and curses are in the power of the tongue?  Sometimes the very hell we are living is a result of the words we are speaking.  This year we  will  Speak blessings on the New Year to avoid curses in Jesus name.

It’s that time again, resolutions, revolutions, fresh starts, new beginnings.  This year let us speak to the days ahead.  Speak in agreement with all the limitless potential that is available to us in God.  Declare with me this is the year of forward motion, upward mobility, increased productivity, and wealth transfer.  Proclaim in faith the year of the harvest of good in the face of famine and chaos.  Decide to sow good seed into good soil to promote healthy life.  Let the giving and receiving begin to us and from us until blessing and love abound and there is not room to receive more.  Let us follow God this year into uncharted territories that already belongs to us.  We have to get out of control to get out of bondage to things especially our comfort zones.  Do good for others and reap greater good personally.   It is time to accept the goodness of  God.  Believe to receive all  God has reserved  for those who believe.  This may mean for some to move pass all  that has held us to our current position.

Determine to cast off the Deadly D’s of disappointment, depression, despair, discouragement, dis-ease, and distress no matter the source.  Choose life over death, freedom over bondage, and prosperity over poverty. We ask God to help us live in liberty this year not captive to anything.  Did you know that God has a purpose for every life?  The bible says His plans are good to bring us to an expected end.  That means a God purpose.  Not a liability,  victim,  down under things, confused, or controlled by people or things.  One of the characteristics of God is He knows the end from the beginning.  That is why  the best choice is to get in touch with Him to learn what He knows about  us.  Things we do not know and cannot become without His help.   Everything starts with Him and the guarantee of a good end is to let Him guide, provide, and protect us.   It is with His help we can do, survive, and overcome   all things and navigate the human condition.  Time to step to our problems so God can take care of them.  Speak to the mountains of opposition and command them to be moved in the power of Jesus’s name.  We have nothing to loose and an inheritance in God to gain.    It is time to choose God to move by faith into  His plans.  He has prepared the way, will help us to know the way, so  we can go the way He has blessed.

May this new year be the most prosperous year ever.  I know that is only possible with the choice to go with Jesus this year.  There are many dangerous days ahead and I strongly recommend a commitment to God as it is the only security for these troubled times.   See Why Jesus and go in God.  Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!

Lies Chat

Coming to the end of 2015 hope we were able to see and enjoy the good things that happened.  Pray we were victorious in every challenge.  Believe we will proceed with faith and determination to see the goodness of God while we live.  So many of us are ensnared by lies we tell, believe, promote, and agree with.  Santa is a perfect example of deliberate promotion and agreement with  a real life true story that became a fable and is now a legend of international proportions.  Am I against Santa not the legend but the tales full of magic and mayhem that compels us to lie to our children.  We are hiding, tricking making ever more elaborate stories with movies and books that are all, “family friendly” but steeped in untruth.  This is not to judge or criticize any family tradition, favorite show, or personal choice.  I simply make the observation that we tend to embrace and propagate lies and agree together to approve them for ourselves and our children.  The point is many embrace and approve Santa but reject and attempt to out law Jesus.  Santa was a good man who walked through some real bad weather to give gifts and hope.  Jesus came to give His life to give us a way out of the penalty for sin and an opportunity to spend eternity with Him.  We tell tales about all dead people going to heaven and good people get in for being good.  The truth is Jesus is the way we get in and we have to embrace His way to get there.  I present this now to offer my readers the greatest gift ever given and another opportunity to see and embrace truth.  We can see by the news our world has changed in some not so good ways.  It is not going back to some time before but forward to what comes next.  We make great effort to prepare for holidays, shopping sprees,  and gatherings with family and friends.  I recommend we prepare for eternity with even greater zeal to secure ourselves and families for the truth about what happens next.   See Why Jesus.

New Day Dawning

Moving toward the holidays comes with the excitement and the dread of family, friends, giving and receiving of gifts.  Thanksgiving can some times seem hard to perceive.  Everyday we get to suck in air is a day to see experience and enjoy something we were up to now unaware of.  Do not let the challenges of life make you believe it is not worth living.   I know when you are in a terrible place in life people who make theses kinds of comments press the , “you just do not know button.”  More than irritating they make us feel they have never been through anything difficult.  On the contrary everyone one has a tale to tell and many are worse than we can possible imagine.  I am a personal witness to some of the worst mans inhumanity to man violations.  Child abuse, sex trafficking, drug additions, forced prostitution, bullying, violence, slavery of every kind, often by hands that are suppose to protect you.  I am a personal survivor of  all kinds of abuse, neglect, and torment.  That is one of the reasons I started this blog.  To speak to people in their personal hells and let them know there is a way out and a God who cares.  I did not believe it either.  What we do not know is  Jesus said it could be unto us as we believe.   He came to destroy evil and extend the kingdom of God to those who are hurting.  He literally gave His life to make a way out for us. The first step to an open door out of despair is the Way out,  Jesus is, “the Way, the Truth and the Light.”  See Why Jesus 

Once we get connected with God through Jesus we get led into a whole new existence that often begins with how we see things.  He helps us to see from His perspective, live in His power, protection and provision.  We cannot believe these things until we begin to experience them because we took the first step.  Call upon the name of the Lord ( JESUS) and you will be saved.   One day we look up and witness things that were impossible.  Most do not know that the will of God is for all those who believe to be eye witnesses that testify that He is still in the life healing business.   Things are not completely as they appear in our natural world.  We  need a spiritual encounter with God through Jesus to really see from the point of view of God.    All that to say get the best gift ever given that helps now and secures an eternity with God.  In this way you will experience love, mercy, grace, and gratitude like never before.  I invite you to accept the free gift of salvation through the life of Jesus.  Ask Him to forgive you and be the Lord of your life and see what you could not see before.



Champion Chat

Today we refresh on how to deal with the challenges we face in life.  Everything from taking a test to facing a situation  we feel inadequate for.  Fear is a formidable foe but is only guaranteed a victory if we do not resist.   Remember defeat needs only our surrender to win.  When we decide to do it afraid or confront our  fears we are already winning because we decided not to lose by default.  The heart of a champion is fixed trusting in the Lord is one of my favorite quotes.  If the buck stops with you it is a scary place to be.  When we have friends in heavenly places we do not trust in our own ability we tap into supernatural resources.  One of the names of God is El- Gibbor which means Champion God.  When we function as our own god we can do some shady things to keep the advantage.  It can become hard to do what is right, just because it is right, especially in a world as compromised as ours.  We feel at a disadvantage for not lying, cheating, or compromising to stay in the game.   The problem is we all suffer for all the willingness to do what ever it takes.  We are all on the verge of a total melt down as we forfeit truth for alternatives.  Alternative families are gangs, alternative life styles are self-made prisons that rage against the only way out.  All efforts to remain independent of God and His wisdom makes us vulnerable.  All lies that bind us to personal truths that hurt and harm in ways we do not immediately see or understand.   What does that mean to you?  I invite dialogue.