Journal Journey

Well it really is a new season for us all. Time we get out the box of same old ways, attitudes, and results. We can blame the world around us but what we can change is our responses to it. This is our due/do season. The literal high time to make it happen for us. Time to go after and get what you keep putting off for later. Join me as I endeavor to live my dreams and have and enjoy my life daily not some time out there. So lets do what it takes to tap into the plans and promises of God.

Journal Journey

As we all reflect on how to improve on one area of life or another. I have determined to be more aggressive in social media. I have been reluctant to be driven by phones, emails etc but if I want to reach the world I have to start talking to them. So hello world. I want my life to help others avoid or recover from poor choices that hurt themselves and others. I invite you to help me do so by visiting and committing. further please consider my books I want to start chat classes and blogs to include in my next volumes. My prayer is we all experience the blessed and abundant life God intends.

New Day Dawning

Happy New Year. We made it out of last year with all the challenges, storms and victories. No matter how it appears life can turn direction in a moment and loss or defeat are not terminal just disappointing and sometimes difficult. I am concerned about the challenges our nation is currently facing. I for one am sick and tired of the fighting. Somebody better get the important news. It is time we start to fight FOR instead of with each other. We look like incompetent children in front of the whole world. We have loss focus and direction anytime we can make choices that put American citizens out of work to exercise a right to withhold assistance to support each other in efforts to make us safe and strong. No matter our opinion of our president he is our president and it is our duty to help him succeed. Any party that is more interested in any agenda that puts people out of work must rethink your purpose. Power, party goals, or personal agendas should never divide us to the point of public humiliation and unnecessary hardship for American citizens. Stop it already. We have become one nation suffering from too many gods because we have become our own. Pray America we need the help of a real God to restore order in our government and nation. Fight for what we stand for not just your personal agendas. We need each other to agree to do what is right because it is right. To those who thought it worth it to partially shut down the government I for one think you need an experience with that helpless victim position to prompt you to seek alternatives more aggressively. I further believe Americans should vote for you to fund the support of these workers with your pay until the matter is settled. How about that for some righteous order.

Journal Journey

The end of the year is speeding toward us and Christmas is just ahead.  The season of giving and receiving can be stressful and trying for givers especially when receivers are  childlike and demanding. It is time we all grow up.  Stop using wants and desires as evidence of love or the lack of it to torment those who care about us with our emotions.  Love is patient, love is kind, it is not selfish or demanding is what God says about true love.  I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.  The greatest gift is love and there is not greater love than the love of God for all mankind.  Hope you discover and meet the reason for the season JESUS who came to bring goodwill to us all.  I offer the best and only gift that keeps on giving.  Jesus the son of God who gave His life to give you a blessed one.  See why Jesus   ://

New Day Dawning

Looks like Halloween may get rained out where I am.  Alright with me since I am not one of the people that thinks fear is funny or fun.  So no tricks or treats be safe.  Thanksgiving came and went since I drafted this post and the shopping frenzy has begun.  We really do have much to be thankful for and celebrate despite the many challenges of the day.  Imagine being one of those still without lights and all their stuff gone.  Life is still a gift and an opportunity to live it better now.  Feelings and emotions can hold us hostage to pain and misery.  Freedom from the bondage of emotional pain is a choice that begins with a change of  mind.  It is not stuff and things that are irreplaceable but life.  Time to live it to the full and not let loss or presumed failure rain on your today and infect your future.  The future is not promised is the lesson we all learn when we get unexpected lessons from close encounters with death and the reality that we are not prepared for what is next.   To build a tomorrow  free of frets and regrets and guaranteed success.  Jesus is the answer to it all.  See Why Jesus.



Journal Journey

I am concerned about the back to back storms and the devastation they leave.  There is a story in the bible about Jesus telling a storm ” peace be still.”  I know everybody does not believes as I do but we are sure in enough peril to try anything.  It is far better than allowing bad news to  spark  fears into a blazing fire that fuels fear and hopelessness.  Faith works and I for one want to practice until it works with precision to resist fear and avoid devastation.   Time we resist the fear frenzy that draws devastation like a magnet.  Shout out if you agree.

Lies Chat

Is your life an example of lies that steal life, peace, opportunities, health, relationships, money, or identity.  Take this moment to reflect on your personal life or that of some one you know and consider what is the truth from your perspective.  Example a person ruled by low self esteem or pride and arrogance.  There is a truth that governs their behavior for better or worse and a challenge to that core belief can bring about a change.  The bible says as a man thinks so is he.  We all know we can be wrong or mistaken in an assessment what many do not realize is a simple change of mind or heart is the way to re-direct.  If I approach life believing I cannot help who I am and how I am, I am saying there is no ability to change.  Not true.  There may be an unwillingness to change, a sense  of why try when you expect to fail but the limit is not on your potential to succeed but your approach to the issue.  Win the battle in the mind and then proceed.  Be willing to challenge your truth to discover a new one.

Journal Journey

Lately I notice how often I hear scientology and the universe mentioned in movies and the media.  It is like a deliberate agenda to raise the curiosity of the masses.  At the same time there are headlines about celebrities who escape these organizations.  The war for the allegiance and consciousness of men is at it’s peak.  The only guarantee of safety and truth is to get in a relationship with Truth.   He (Jesus)  will protect from deception and separation from the family of God.  Good and evil have been at odds since the garden of Eden and each individual will get an opportunity to choose sides.  God sent Jesus to provide a way out of darkness into light, out of deception into truth.  He offers escape and power over evil.  There is a whole lot of religion organized and other wise but God is still the answer to it all.  Every challenge, problem, question Jesus is literally the answer to it all.  Much of our natural challenges are the result of the lack of spiritual insight.  Jesus is the way to that insight not religion but a relationship with God through His Son Jesus.  Prepare for the days ahead choose life today.  See Why Jesus.

New Day Dawning

What’s it all about Resurrection Sunday rather than Easter.  The traditions of  eggs, bunnies, chocolate and candies have nothing to do with the amazing miracle that gave all mankind a way to God and eternity with Him. To those  who never heard the story of Jesus dying on the cross for every body’s sin it is true.  God raised Him from the dead and we too can go from old life to new if we choose to believe.  Not anything we choose, not everything we agree with but the one thing God did to make a way for us.  See why Jesus.

Journal Journey

Like the four seasons of a year life has cycles of change and challenges.  Fair weather or storms life goes on.   To enjoy smooth sailing the right focus and priorities are most valuable.  If stuff, things, wants, and feelings determine your joy and peace any storm or threat can leave you off balance or wounded.   Life is our most valuable commodity and time a close second.  All life is  of great value no matter the season, age, gender, culture or financial status.  Spend life and time like your most valuable assets.  Don’t waste them or treat them as worthless and do no allow anyone else to.  We are all important and valuable if we know it or not, God says so.  He  thought we were important enough to send His Son Jesus to make away for us to  spend eternity with Him.  See why Jesus.

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