Category Archives: Blog Chats

Lies Chat

Is your life an example of lies that steal life, peace, opportunities, health, relationships, money, or identity.  Take this moment to reflect on your personal life or that of some one you know and consider what is the truth from your perspective.  Example a person ruled by low self esteem or pride and arrogance.  There is a truth that governs their behavior for better or worse and a challenge to that core belief can bring about a change.  The bible says as a man thinks so is he.  We all know we can be wrong or mistaken in an assessment what many do not realize is a simple change of mind or heart is the way to re-direct.  If I approach life believing I cannot help who I am and how I am, I am saying there is no ability to change.  Not true.  There may be an unwillingness to change, a sense  of why try when you expect to fail but the limit is not on your potential to succeed but your approach to the issue.  Win the battle in the mind and then proceed.  Be willing to challenge your truth to discover a new one.

Journal Journey

Like the four seasons of a year life has cycles of change and challenges.  Fair weather or storms life goes on.   To enjoy smooth sailing the right focus and priorities are most valuable.  If stuff, things, wants, and feelings determine your joy and peace any storm or threat can leave you off balance or wounded.   Life is our most valuable commodity and time a close second.  All life is  of great value no matter the season, age, gender, culture or financial status.  Spend life and time like your most valuable assets.  Don’t waste them or treat them as worthless and do no allow anyone else to.  We are all important and valuable if we know it or not, God says so.  He  thought we were important enough to send His Son Jesus to make away for us to  spend eternity with Him.  See why Jesus.

New Day Dawning

Thanks for all the encouragement.  To answer some of the questions and respond to my readers.  Much of what I say is from a biblical rather than any other world view.  That is because after much study of the alternatives Love is what we all need.  The world is having a lot of all kinds of sex but millions are dying for the need of love. God is love and His way is the way that works if we learn of it and align with it.

To the suggestion that I chose Jesus because it  was the best I could do at the time.  The suggestion was to consider self -acceptance rather than a destructive course of action.  Jesus is not destructive but healing; a course of both enlightenment and recovery.  Self- acceptance on the other hand has a tendency to imply this is as good as it gets and that’s Ok with me.  The human experience does not lean in that direction.  For instance I would never grow up or would just agree with being a rapist or child abuser.  Self-acceptance must leave room for self-assessment and a desire to be the best  you can be.  Jesus is my ability to do just that.  Thanks for the feed back and keep coming back.

If you have not found  the books on this site I invite you to  go deeper into true spiritual enlightenment.  I will be starting  classes and a question and answer forum to gather material for my next,  “Lies that Steal Life,” installment.   I will site and give credit for any material I use but there will be no monetary compensation.  You can also request in writing that I do not share your material and I will honor your request.  There will be a prize for the best testimony and we will publish it for all our readers and participants.  All are invited to this next phase of interaction.  Talk to you soon.  Hopeful for your comments and feedback.

Please do not use this blog sight for your off topic sales agendas.  This blog is not to promote sales but to transform lives.  Thanks.

New Day Dawning

The holidays are upon us again time is moving quickly now.  Ever notice how the years seem to be speeding by?  Why is that?   Any comments?  I think time is colliding with eternity and life as we know it will soon be no more.   What are you doing to prepare?  Money, influence, friends networks cannot protect us from storms, terrorist, or  diseases.  What is the answer we need to secure our futures if none of what we have  trusted in the past can do it?  If you been following me for anytime you know what’s next.   God is the answer to it all and Jesus is the open door to Him.  See Why Jesus.

New Day Dawning

Wow there’s a lot going on in our world.  Like a woman in labor the contractions get closer and the pains keep coming.  It is time to prepare for what comes after this.  Many do not believe in God but  believe heaven exits.  Tomorrow is not promised and the storms of life are raging out of control.  Thousands of people die daily with less confidence in life as we know it.  People tend to major in things that have no guarantees or lack value.  Unfortunately opinions  vary and often don’t  matter.  It amazes me the important decision we make based on  feelings and agreement with other people.   Concepts like fading into nothingness or return in other forms until we get it right may be appealing but truth?  We need trust worthy insight and wisdom to make important  decisions.  We can start with actually caring about the important things.   How about we answer some important questions.  Exactly what does happen next?  Is there life after death? Is there a guaranteed way to make heaven your home after death on earth?  Does God have the answers that we do not have?  Give me a shout out with your answers or questions we so can start a dialogue of something actually important to discuss.

Journal Journey

What an amazing month of miracles.  Trust my followers reap the benefit of experiencing the truth in every area of life.  Most of us believe there is a truth for each of us because of the unique experience of each life.   One of the reasons for this blog is to invite each individual to a personal encounter with The Truth.  He is not relative or the result of just personal experience, culture, gender, or belief.  God is before anything, above all things, and the answer to everything.   Jesus has made a way for us all to get to know Him and benefit from His great , wisdom, and power.  Send your question and we will go to God in search for answers.

New Day Dawning

A prayer for victory over all opposition, peace in every situation, and a healthy outlook no matter what you’re facing.  If the first response was I wish.  Stop wishing for dreams to come true and pray for a promise you know  will come true.  How is that possible you ask.    The bible is full of promises from God that we can believe to receive.  Better than a fairy tale or hard work is the decision to seek God to find Him and every good thing you need.  Too good to be true right. Start to believe with this dare.  Dare to believe someone you do not see loves you more than you do.  Someone you do not know knows all about you and loves you anyway.  All you have to do to meet Him and begin to learn of this great love is to ask.  See Why Jesus.  The evidence of His love is He gave His Son so you could reach Him.  Jesus is the all access pass to the goodness of God.  Too bad so many do not know it and so many die every day without finding out.  You do not have to.  We live in a time when it is hard to trust anyone or anything even ourselves.  That is why it is so important to get to know God who knows everything.  The bible tells us, “if we ask it will be given, if we seek we will find and if we knock He will open the door.”  So use this opportunity to ask God to reveal Himself.

New Day Dawning

Good to be back this is another invitation to enjoy the books that prompted me to start this blog.  It was to provide a forum for question with answers from a biblical perspective.  Not to condemn but to provide information that is not common knowledge.   I finally finished my most recent book and have started a cartoon series that I think we will enjoy.  Until then I need material for the second installment to, “Lies That Steal Life.”  It has some new insights and a lot of testimonials.   There will be prizes for the top 10 will share what they are later.   Hope this new year is your best ever, that your needs are met and you take every opportunity to live to your full potential.  Remember with God nothing is impossible.  It is why I choose life in Him.  All limits are removed and the potential is limitless.   If you have not yet accepted an invitation into the family of God  see Why Jesus and find love without limits and power to live in your purpose to your full potential.

New Day Dawning

Hello out there.  It has been special to say the least wow our world is so in need of divine assistance.  As we have lost our moral compass we have lost access to a safe and secure way.  We are now reaping the whirlwind of do your own thing.  The bible tells about a time in history when every man did what was right in his own sight.  We are in that condition today and we think the plans and agendas of other people will help us collectively.  No one has a magic potion or a good enough plan to fix the mess we are in.  The very idea that law suits, protest in the street, murder, mayhem, and organized chaos is a remedy for anything is a delusion.  We are so, “like me follow me,”  drunk we all want to lead if we are going somewhere good or not.  The ability to inspire to follow does not mean a good leader.  Where are you going and why do you believe it is a good idea for everyone.  An internet sensation does not make a wise choice for inspiration or direction.  We are all amazing wonders of God but only when we are lead by Him are we capable of  good leadership to get to the right place in the right way.  Confidence in any person is usually an invitation to disappointment.  For one reason, we are all imperfect.  Education, confidence, not even money making ability is a guarantee to success or satisfaction.  Only God satisfies, knows the end at the beginning, and can get us to the place we want to be now and for eternity.    Get right so you are not left behind  when what happens next comes.  We are all in for some trying days ahead but with God all things are possible.  We are certainly in miracle territory so connect to the Miracle Worker to get the results you need.  Jesus is the open door to every good and perfect gift from God and now is the time to connect.  Tomorrow is not promised and there is no other way.   See Why Jesus

New Day Dawning

Sorry guys going through a lot of transition and my main computer is out of commission but life goes on.  I am so sorry I missed sharing during the Resurrection Season.  There is so much the masses do not realize about this great celebration of new life.   Many people just do the easter eggs, bunny rabbit, candy and family gathering version.   Not a thing wrong with it.  I like giving the details about the amazing gifts God gives to us because too many do not know and do not benefit from them.

A lot of people have heard of Jesus and many saw the Passion of Christ and had varying opinions.  I hear all the time from people who do not understand.  What kind of weak god would die for people who do not even respect Him.  They would rather a warrior vengeful deity that would make things obey.  This is true of many gods that men choose to align themselves with.  Entities that demand rituals, allegiance, obedience to ordinances and organizations that govern with  fear and control.  Many who do not personally know God think it is true of the christian God too.  It is at the core all about love and forgiveness which includes  so much more than laws, rules, and  edicts.

It is a way of life that that allows God to provide, protect, and preserve those who align with Him.  That is the reason I dedicate my life to unveiling truth.  It is not good to make decisions about things we do not know  without some unbiased insight,  Who would suffer such a cruel and public ordeal that ended in death if it were not necessary or critically important?  What would be the motivation?  Just as important who would reject such and obvious act of love?  The bible says,  “no greater love than a man would lay down his life for another.”  What kind of love would do it for those who obviously do not love Him back?  What dos He know that we do not know?  Most do not know Him at all but make determinations that make light of His great sacrifice of love.   I issue another invitation to get to know Him for yourself it would be the best decision you ever made.  See Why Jesus.